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Connestee Falls Volunteers

Make Life Better For Everyone

As with most great communities, volunteers make a huge difference in the quality of life at Connestee Falls. Surveys show 70% of our residents are active in various volunteer activities. The goodwill also extends beyond the gates with an outreach program to help support education. Resident volunteer committees make a huge contribution to the quality of life in Connestee Falls and the surrounding greater community. Examples include:

Connestee Falls Property Owners Association Board

The Connestee Falls Property Owners Association board is one of the most important volunteer groups for the community. The board is comprised of seven members including a president. Board members are selected by vote of the residents and serve a three-year term. The board guides the governance and budget for the association and works with the CFPOA General Manager on implementation of community operations.

Good Neighbors

Good Neighbors are dedicated to making Connestee Falls the friendliest and most supportive community in Western North Carolina. The hub of this program is the Good Neighbors Daily Volunteer who can be contacted to put any of the committee's services into action. Some of those services include:

  • Food Preparation & Delivery for residents who are ill, recovering from an illness, or suffering a family loss.
  • Caring Companions provide a few hours of relief to those caring for a loved one who cannot be left alone.
  • Telephone Buddies make a daily call to people who live alone and would like to have someone keep in regular contact with them.
  • Welcomers tell new residents about clubs and activities and answer any questions about life here in Connestee.
  • Transportation is provided to residents who must visit a doctor, pick up a prescription, or get treatment at a local hospital and are unable to drive themselves.
  • A Lending Closet is stocked with a supply of medical equipment (wheelchairs, walkers, etc.), children's furniture (cribs, strollers, etc.), and other items that residents may need because of a short-term situation.

Beautification Committee

The Beautification Committee is comprised of 100 volunteers who plant and maintain summer annuals in public areas throughout Connestee. A week after Mothers Day 80 flats and about 200 single annuals arrive, are unloaded, and are then planted in fifteen public areas including the entrance gates and clubhouse.

During the summer growing season, volunteers water and weed the plantings to keep them looking fresh and vibrant, enhancing the natural beauty that is one of Connestee's greatest attributes.

Scholarship Committee

Since 1987, the Student Scholarship Program has raised hundreds of thousands in funds to help Transylvania County students achieve their higher education dreams. The committee organizes and manages this major force for good. Learn more about the Program.