"Waterfalls are the voices that nature uses to speak to our souls."
No matter where you are in Connestee Falls water is not far away. Even in our forests, hikers are accompanied by meandering streams, gurgling creeks and rushing waterfalls, all easily viewed from the trails.
The largest and most well-known is the 85-foot Connestee Falls themselves. Hike the community's private trail along Batson Creek and you'll come upon the crashing waters of "The Silver Slip," where the Batson Creek Falls meets the Connestee Falls. More modest falls can be found along Carson Creek in a boulder-filled gorge. Hikers can also reach Middle Batson Creek Falls with an easy walk up one of Connestee's many well-groomed trails.
Outside of Connestee's gates are many more waterfalls to visit. Dupont State Recreational Forest is minutes away and features waterfalls made famous by Hollywood productions The Last of the Mohicans and The Hunger Games. Pisgah National Forest is home to Looking Glass Falls and the infamous Sliding Rock. In all, Transylvania County, home to our community, has 250 waterfalls, thus earning the county's badge of pride, "Land of Waterfalls."